Texas Law Requires Digital ID Program to Access Sexual Material Online
1 year ago

Derrick Broze and Micah Jackson break down a recently passed Texas bill which will require Texans to register with the "Texas for Texas" digital ID program to access "sexual material" on the internet. Is this a solution or a step closer towards digital identities in general?
Sources: Age Verification Requirement to Access Sexual Material Online Signed Into Law https://archive.is/YXyKq
Texas by Texas Digital ID https://www.nascio.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/TX_GtoC.pdf
This is a clip from Live Free, Think Free (6/29/23): Transgender Debates and FBI Entrapment: https://theconsciousresistance.com/lftf-62923/
Learn more about Live Free, Think Free: http://www.thehoustonfreethinkers.com
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